Sunday, March 8, 2009

Finally im posting something....................................

Finally I have got the time to post something on my blog. But the time I have chosen for it is not at all right! I have an exam coming up next week and I am sitting here in front of a system and entering the first post on my blog. Ah leave it ...... I have always loved to write and it was only recently that the idea struck me that why not write a blog! and lo I have this in front of me. But how i would be able to frequently post on it is a thing that requires further thinking. But one thing is sure this is not the last one.....

What shall I write about first...........

Ah of course my college what else..............

National Institute of Technology Calicut......The place where my dream is being materialised.

Though i am only five months old(at the point I started writing this entry though its one year now! Ha 6 months for one post. How very encouraging. But no from now on i am gonna write a lot.T his is a promise i have made to myself!!!) in this great insti I have that great gut feeling that this place is gonna do rocking things in my life. Frankly I never wanted to come to this place at the onset because i never wanted to study in my home state. But soon over this past year I have realised that they were just whims of my troubled mind. By now I have got a hold of everything and I am enjoying my stay here at NITC more than everything else. Now I have started to believe in destiny (as said by Poelo Coelho!) which put me here in the first instant. I have been feeling an air of self confidence, hope and a yearning to do something good with my life from the moment I stepped into this insti. So my first post is a tribute to NITC though I have to say the temple that put me here and has made me to write this down is of course my sweet alma mater, my school, my dear Christ Nagar which does not need any description to prove itself. Bow to thee my alma mater.

So there goes my first post and i am gonna keep posting from today on as i have a lot to say which i have been waiting to pen down for quite some time now. I just had this starting trouble.

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