Friday, February 5, 2010

Its FOSSMeet time again at NITC

Finally FOSSMeet@NITC 2010 kicked off today evening after months of hard work and hardcore organizing. God only knows how many permissions we took and how many mails we sent. Behind all this we had only one thought in mind- increase the participation substantially this year. And looking at the number of external participation we have got we understand that hardwork always pays. Only well planned ,well worked out organizing process can result in an event being called a success. Looking at the kind of beginning we've got we think we are surely on the right path. Hope this continues next year as well.
Apart from the long dry speech by the mla, which was more like an election propaganda than anything else the inaugural ceremony can be termed a success. After all the formalities we had a wonderful talk by Sasikumar sir from SPACE, Trivandrum giving a heartwarming introduction to the FOSS Philosophy.